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Nov. 18, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – November 18, 2015

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by John Mirick since Chairman Tom Daly was absent. Also present were: Rud Mason, Tom Sullivan & Richard Bisk along with alternate Ann Neuburg
Board discussed setting late March for a public hearing for zoning articles at May 2016 Annual Town Meeting. Articles will include the “adult entertainment” provision; a clarification of Sect. XIV 6. (C); a clarification of the priority status of the zoning map as per Sect. II, 3., and a correction of the East Princeton Business Zone boundary line.
Invitations were received for the Town Holiday Party at the Mountain Barn on Dec. 9 at 5 PM.
The board went over issues around the Berubes’ food trailer at Mechanics Hall, noting a discrepancy on the zoning map, after both the highway superintendent and the GIS mapmaker at CMRPC did a more careful measure of the southern boundary of the Business Zone. The current map shows the Mechanics Hall lot in the R-A Zone, but the re-measure puts the entire lot in the Business Zone. John M. pointed out that food trucks may not come under zoning regulations when they are parked in the street, however, zoning uses could kick in for uses off-street and on a site. If that is the case, the food trailer would be allowed by right if the lot were in the Business Zone, although a site plan review would be required under “change of use.” John M. offered to look into it further and communicate with town counsel.

Administrative Business
Board members decided to set December 16 for next meeting, to be cancelled for lack of a compelling agenda. To date, news from CMRPC, from Tom D., is only pending agenda item.
Board voted all in favor to approve Oct. 28, 2015 regular meeting minutes.

8:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Corrected zoning map of East Princeton

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department